Awhile back I noticed that the suits hanging in my closet actually had dust on the shoulders. That was kind of a welcome to reality moment in terms of how long it's been since I went to a meeting. I kept 2 of my suits and a tie for each one and 2 pairs of dress shoes and gave the rest to the Goodwill. Those will be gone too as soon as they're a little more out of style.
Growing up as a JW and later as a married adult with kids, it seemed to me that everyone put more emphasis on what they were going to wear to the assembly than they did on the assembly itself. I remember hearing big discussions about having to shop for some new outfits for the assembly and what outfit would be worn on what day. I remember overhearing my wife and a bunch of sisters lamenting about not having anything to wear or being able to find anything new to wear to the assembly. In passing I said, " It won't be the end of the world if you can't find a new outfit to wear to the assembly...speaking of which, what does one wear to the end of the world anyway??
Concern for new assembly clothes was followed closely by wondering what get togethers there would be afterward. There was little or no concern about what new light there might be or what they might say about the nearness of the end of the world. Come to think of it, there was never any discussion about the assembly program afterward either.